Friday, October 25, 2013

Wideo: Cool Web Tool For Creating Animated Videos

I was looking at some sites that allow you to make animated videos when I stumbled across Wideo. It is a cool online video tool that allows you to make videos similar to the "... In Plain English" videos. Creating an account is quick and simple.  You can even find Wideo in Chrome App Store so you can easily get a link to it. Some of the tutorial videos leave a bit to be desired, but the Wideo works well as a whole.  You are not limited to the images and sounds that are available within the took, instead you can upload whatever images and/or sounds you want. Needless to say, I tried it out.  The biggest chunk of my time on this video was finding and downloading all of the little logos and icons in my video.  I used GarageBand to blend together the background audio and my voice over.  In the end, I uploaded it directly to YouTube.