Tool Videos

Not all videos linked to these tools were created by myself.  Many have links to videos created by the companies that created the tools, or by other integrators who have made their videos available to the public.

Netrrekker: This is an amazing educational search engine service the district has subscribed to. It provides teachers and students Internet resources that are aligned by MLR performance indicators, reading levels and grade levels. There are also several other features that make differentiated instruction easier to   manage.  Check out this resource that may just become invaluable to you and your students!  Note for all LRMS users of Nettrekker, if you need the instructions for creating your own account for use at home, please email me, and I will send it to you.

Moodle : Moodle is more than just a class website, it's a course management system. It allows allows students to take tests, submit homework assignments online, post classroom discussions through online forums, and receive email reminders/messages from teachers.

Web 2.0 Tools in Plain English: are some videos created by Common Craft that help to explain these tools in "Plain English".  Take a look at some of these videos.  If you are interested in using any of these within your classroom, please let me know and I would be happy to assist you.

Home Page Construction Kit: This utiltiy which has been added on to our FirstClass subscription allows users to easily create their own websites.  If you can fill in the blanks and use drop down menus, then you can easily create and maintain a site that will be useful for you, yours students, and their parents.

Backing Up: Every June, when teachers and come to the realization that they will soon need to turn in their laptops for the summer for maintenance and reimaging, there is suddenly an onslaught of people who need help with backing up their files.  I always find this a bit disturbing because I spend a lot of time preaching that they should back up their files on a regular basis.  Anyway, I hope that this page will help them with their annual backup activities. 

 Explore Learning Gizmos: offers the world's largest library of interactive online simulations for math and science education in grades 3-12. We these simulations are called Gizmos. Click here to view an introductory video.